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 — aesthetics

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— aesthetics Empty
MessageSujet: — aesthetics   — aesthetics EmptyVen 24 Juil - 5:40


petit mot : je savais pas où poster ça, parce que c'est pas vraiment un jeu et ça concerne plus les joueurs qu'autre chose ? — aesthetics 3910719179 anyway, hâte de voir vos réponses — aesthetics 3816758862

règle : copiez/collez à la suite et mettez en gras les mots que vous préférez

roses or thorns // instrumental or lyrics // fantasy or reality // the sky or the sea // fire or water // lace or leather // black + gold or red + gold // minotaurs or centaurs // bears or wolves // royalty or nobility // smoke or mist // grayscale or colour // metallic or glittery // horses or stags // soldier or warrior // knight or prince // hero or god // boots or sandals // wings or horns // leaves or flowers // painting or sketching // chaos or order // real magic or magic tricks // musicals or plays // war or peace // pegasus or a chariot // sun or moon // stars or planets // sunset or sunrise // crown of flowers or crown of jewels // sword and shield or bow and arrow // white armour or black armour // dark or light // guitars or drums // the beginning or the end // mortality or immortality // youth or wisdom // knowledge or power // rule or serve // cloak or cape // thunder + lightning or rain + hale // rum or treasure // sirens or the kraken // skulls or crows // el dorado or atlantis // burial or cremation // ancient or modern // emperors or kings // libraries or museums // artefacts or heirlooms // song or dance // talons or tails // scales or fur // revenge or forgive // invisibility or omnipresence // quests or adventures

(récupéré sur tumblr, @godsofhumanity)

roses or thorns // instrumental or lyrics // fantasy or reality // the sky or the sea // fire or water // lace or leather // black + gold or red + gold // minotaurs or centaurs // bears or wolves // royalty or nobility // smoke or mist // grayscale or colour // metallic or glittery // horses or stags // soldier or warrior // knight or prince // hero or god // boots or sandals // wings or horns // leaves or flowers // painting or sketching // chaos or order // real magic or magic tricks // musicals or plays // war or peace // pegasus or a chariot // sun or moon // stars or planets // sunset or sunrise // crown of flowers or crown of jewels // sword and shield or bow and arrow // white armour or black armour // dark or light // guitars or drums // the beginning or the end // mortality or immortality // youth or wisdom // knowledge or power // rule or serve // cloak or cape // thunder + lightning or rain + hale // rum or treasure // sirens or the kraken // skulls or crows // el dorado or atlantis // burial or cremation // ancient or modern // emperors or kings // libraries or museums // artefacts or heirlooms // song or dance // talons or tails // scales or fur // revenge or forgive // invisibility or omnipresence // quests or adventures
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GOD // legends never die
Belladonna Faust

Belladonna Faust
pseudo : valkyrja (julia).
autres comptes : sigrid (sigyn) ; lucian (lucifer) ; astra (prophète d'heimdall) ; james (illuminati).
célébrité : emily blunt.
crédits : dracarys (avatar) ; valkyrja (signature) ; renegade (bannières).
messages : 668
— aesthetics 02cz
identité : perséphone ; déesse du printemps, des morts et du monde souterrain.

— aesthetics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: — aesthetics   — aesthetics EmptyVen 24 Juil - 6:10

oh j'aime trop l'idée — aesthetics 2373391875 — aesthetics 2117385268

roses or thorns // instrumental or lyrics // fantasy or reality // the sky or the sea // fire or water // lace or leather // black + gold or red + gold // minotaurs or centaurs // bears or wolves // royalty or nobility // smoke or mist // grayscale or colour // metallic or glittery // horses or stags // soldier or warrior // knight or prince // hero or god // boots or sandals // wings or horns // leaves or flowers // painting or sketching // chaos or order // real magic or magic tricks // musicals or plays // war or peace // pegasus or a chariot // sun or moon // stars or planets // sunset or sunrise // crown of flowers or crown of jewels // sword and shield or bow and arrow // white armour or black armour // dark or light // guitars or drums // the beginning or the end // mortality or immortality // youth or wisdom // knowledge or power // rule or serve // cloak or cape // thunder + lightning or rain + hale // rum or treasure // sirens or the kraken // skulls or crows // el dorado or atlantis // burial or cremation // ancient or modern // emperors or kings // libraries or museums // artefacts or heirlooms // song or dance // talons or tails // scales or fur // revenge or forgive // invisibility or omnipresence // quests or adventures
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— aesthetics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: — aesthetics   — aesthetics EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 6:30

roses or thorns // instrumental or lyrics // fantasy or reality // the sky or the sea // fire or water // lace or leather // black + gold or red + gold // minotaurs or centaurs // bears or wolves // royalty or nobility // smoke or mist // grayscale or colour // metallic or glittery // horses or stags // soldier or warrior // knight or prince // hero or god // boots or sandals // wings or horns // leaves or flowers // painting or sketching // chaos or order // real magic or magic tricks // musicals or plays // war or peace // pegasus or a chariot // sun or moon // stars or planets // sunset or sunrise // crown of flowers or crown of jewels // sword and shield or bow and arrow // white armour or black armour // dark or light // guitars or drums // the beginning or the end // mortality or immortality // youth or wisdom // knowledge or power // rule or serve // cloak or cape // thunder + lightning or rain + hale // rum or treasure // sirens or the kraken // skulls or crows // el dorado or atlantis // burial or cremation // ancient or modern // emperors or kings // libraries or museums // artefacts or heirlooms // song or dance // talons or tails // scales or fur // revenge or forgive // invisibility or omnipresence // quests or adventures
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NO ONE // identity loading...
Ana Katopodis

Ana Katopodis
pseudo : masayume (chloé)
autres comptes : maximilian
célébrité : sophie turner
crédits : leska <3 (avatar), ASTRA (signature), non uccidere, VOCIVUS
messages : 89
— aesthetics 3dcd04ca1322cb9fab291cd653f8294d40e5c789
identité : demi-déesse, fille de zeus

— aesthetics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: — aesthetics   — aesthetics EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 19:14

roses or thorns // instrumental or lyrics // fantasy or reality // the sky or the sea // fire or water // lace or leather // black + gold or red + gold // minotaurs or centaurs // bears or wolves // royalty or nobility // smoke or mist // grayscale or colour // metallic or glittery // horses or stags // soldier or warrior // knight or prince // hero or god // boots or sandals // wings or horns // leaves or flowers // painting or sketching // chaos or order // real magic or magic tricks // musicals or plays // war or peace // pegasus or a chariot // sun or moon // stars or planets // sunset or sunrise // crown of flowers or crown of jewels // sword and shield or bow and arrow // white armour or black armour // dark or light // guitars or drums // the beginning or the end // mortality or immortality // youth or wisdom // knowledge or power // rule or serve // cloak or cape // thunder + lightning or rain + hale // rum or treasure // sirens or the kraken // skulls or crows // el dorado or atlantis // burial or cremation // ancient or modern // emperors or kings // libraries or museums // artefacts or heirlooms // song or dance // talons or tails // scales or fur // revenge or forgive // invisibility or omnipresence // quests or adventures
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MessageSujet: Re: — aesthetics   — aesthetics Empty

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